Friday, February 25, 2011

For Sale

It's time for another writing prompt from The Red Dress Club. This week's assignment is to write an eBay/Craig's List ad selling/giving away something from an ex. Mine is fiction. And an attempt at the male point of view.

Constructive Criticism is always appreciated. And craved, really. Because how can I improve otherwise?


One dog. Breed? Don't know, don't care. It's small and it barks. Just like she did. All the time with the barking. Perfect for home with too much self-confidence that needs to be taken down a notch, or for someone who needs their entire schedule dictated by the tiny bladder of the most demanding bitch on the planet.


Renee said...

"all the time with the barking"
Love that!
And so glad to see another dog post.

Stacey said...

"for someone who needs their entire schedule dictated by the tiny bladder of the most demanding bitch on the planet."

LOL Love it!!

But I think I'll pass. My schedule is currently run by my pregnant bladder and the bladder of a three year old. Not a good combination!

Funny ad!

Sherri said...

I thought about getting "rid" of the dog, too!

I love that she's a bitch, too!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...I can totally relate! I gave my bitch away.

Trish Iles said...

Wait a minute...are you interested in a trade? LOL

I love your line about being taken down a notch, because sister, I HAVE been!

Ash said...

Short and sweet and double meanings all over the place - clever!

"All the time with the barking." Love it.

Valerie Boersma said...

I love how this is short and to the point-perfect ad for selling a dog that is small and annoying and has no point!

I'm still laughing over this post-great job!

Cheryl said...

All the time with the barking.

Love it.

Emily @ Kibble n' Dribble said...

No thanks! My dogs would eat that bitch. But she's all the time with the barking too....uuugh.

Yippy Momma said...

I'm not a big fan of barking dogs. haha. Short and simple. Perfect!

Nancy C said...

Yeah, there's two stories here. Very clever. Nicely played!

angela said...

"all the time with the barking" and "tiny bladder" made me giggle

I think I'll pass on the offer, though :)

Leighann said...

The tiny bladder part was hilarious!!
Great job.

tattytiara said...

Ha! That was very cute.

Anonymous said...

This one made me giggle. The last line? Priceless.

Jenna said...

the shortest entry Ive read, but it was power packed!! great job!

Anonymous said...

At first I was confused, it was so short.

You are proof that writing doesn't have to be wordy to be good - something I can learn from.

It was well thought out, double meanings everywhere, and laugh out loud lines.

I want to critique you, but can't think of a thing to change with this one. Excellent work!

Jessica Anne said...

Short and sweet! Love the tiny bladder line.

Anonymous said...

That's funny!

I think I'll keep my own annoying, barking dog though! lol!

Enjoyed your post!!!

Evonne said...

I love this! I'd take you up on your offer, but I'm not a fan of the constant barking.

CDG said...

I'd be leery of anything offered in trade for that...


Rachel Cotterill said...

Made me laugh. Don't think I'd buy, though... ;)

Jennifer Hillier said...

Ha! Loved this! Excellent voice.