Friday, October 21, 2011


The assignment this week is to express or elicit fear in 160 characters or less:

Write On Edge: Red-Writing-Hood

I'm stuck at the light. It's still red. Why isn't it turning green? Why? Oh no. He's coming back.


Barbara @ de rebus said...

Oo! Very good - I find myself yelling in my head: "Run that Light, dammit!"

Excellent reaction in your reader!

Kelly said...

Yes run the red and risk the ticket! Scary.

Karen said...

Run the light! Escape or bring the cops into it! :>

Carrie said...

at a time like that, I think running the red is justified.

Pamela Gold said...

Makes me wonder what kind of monster she's running from or did she cause the stir?

Lance said...

Go...I keeping yelling GO!

The Drama Mama said...

I hope you run that red light!

Roxanne said...

I'm with the rest of the commenters. Run the light! If nothing else, it could help get the cops involved.

Good job!

Venus said...

Nice! Nothing is worse than being stuck at a red light when you're in a hurry - except being stuck at a red light when a homicidal maniac is after you! :-)

NV said...

I'm with everyone else - RUN THE LIGHT!!
The fact that we are all saying it and it's still not happening makes it even scarier for me, somehow! I guess it's like the phenomenon that happens when you watch a horror film with a bunch of screaming people - that just makes me jump even more!!

And, please, for future reference, please promise me if YOU are ever in this situation you will RUN THE LIGHT!!!


Melanie said...

Now, that's chilling. If I were her, I'd be out of there!

This is so good...and scary.

Kir said...

hit the gas girlfriend!!!! Oh my, I could feel the urgency!

Anonymous said...

Run the light,woman! Now!

Good job.

Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

Whoa!! I'd definitely be panicking in that situation. I'm such a rule follower, too. I don't know that I could run the light!

Kris Mulkey said...

You can feel her fear and anxiety. I would lose the word "Why" and just get to "he's coming." Nice job.

Renee said...

This is why I always avoid eye contact with other drivers.
You never know...

Jessica {Team Rasler} said...

I'd be hitting the gas, believe me! Good job.

Galit Breen said...

Ooh- love the quick switch from condo to terror.

It made me jump!

Anonymous said...

I am with everyone. Who cares about the red light! Just drive.
Love the switch from normal to panic with one line He's coming back.

Jackie said...

That had to be the longest light for her... fear & anxiety all in one.

Rathi said...

Shit!! Run sweetie. Run!

KC said...

Good job, very scary!

Valerie Boersma said...

This has to be one of the scariest texts ever! I say run that light too!!

Elizabeth Twist said...

Stalking you - uh, I mean, following you over here via A to Z 'coz I write fiction too!

Sherry Ellis said...

Definitely run the light!

Trisha said...

Creeeepy! I'd be running the red light, or trying to depending on traffic :P

Stephanie Faris said...

SCARY! Awesome job.